Saturday, April 25, 2015

Needed, One Champion...

Will the Minnesota GOP Blow the 2016 Elections?

It’s a distinct possibility...

Opinion and Viewpoint by Bob Smith 3rd

It won’t be long before 2016 is here; especially in political times as the presidential contests are heating up.  Let’s put it this way, the real prize is not the presidency—it’s sane government for Minnesota.  That means the Republicans must take the Minnesota Senate.  I repeat, the most important goal for the Minnesota GOP is to win the Minnesota Senate while gaining a seat or two in the Minnesota House and maintaining their Congressional seats.

The problem for the Minnesota GOP in 2016 will be to handle adroitly the fanaticism of the fringe and nut elements of the party for various presidential candidates to the detriment of local elections.  Presidential enthusiasm is great but let’s takes half of that energy and re-direct it to winning Minnesota House and Senate seats.

The GopherStatePolitics Institute’s challenge to the would-be caucus and 2016 convention delegates is: Will you devote at least equal time, Funds and effort to help local candidates as you would working for a presidential candidate?

That still leaves the question of how will the state Republicans coordinate a statewide campaign to win the Minnesota Senate?

The Republican State Senatorial Campaign Committee will be in the thick of it along with the state party.  Will that do it?  Unfortunately and sadly, I believe the state party has been weakened and will not have the funds nor the timber to accomplish the task.

They also will most likely be distracted and consumed to a large degree by intra-party presidential politics.  Is there a solution?

Yes.  May I suggest that it must come in the form of a “Champion”.  Someone who can command the trust and respect of all Republicans.  Someone who will be able to devise a plan to take the Minnesota Senate and who will be capable of leading the Republicans to that victory in 2016.

The importance of the Republicans winning the Minnesota Senate in 2016 cannot be overstated—it is the single most important event for all Minnesotans to bring this state to sound government.

Yes, that “Champion” is out there and will emerge soon.

GopherStatePolitics Institute will feature later articles as the GOP strategy develops to win the State Senate.  The “Champion” will be named at the proper time when s/he steps forward.

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