Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Bill Frenzel…a Real Class Act!

November 18, 2014

Bill Frenzel…A Real Class Act

Morning newspapers throughout the country announced the death of former Minnesota Congressman Bill Frenzel yesterday.

If there ever was such a thing as a gentleman and a person you could look up to, Bill epitomized that view in my opinion.  I did not have much contact with him but I remember two things.  One was running across him and his wife outside the White House on a lovely warm day.  We just had some pleasant chatter and this chance meeting was characterized by graciousness.  The other time that sticks with me was many years ago at a political gathering where he introduced VP Nelson Rockefeller in an uncustomary manner.  My guess is that both had been at Dartmouth College.

My brother Bruce and he were both at Brookings and they had set up monthly lunches so I was informed about his doings.  Last month Bill begged off the lunch for health reasons.

Bill was a St. Paul native where attended St. Paul Academy.  He served in the Minnesota House of Representatives before moving on to Congress where he served with distinction.  Bill, thank you; Ruthy, thank you for being the model political wife.

Bob Smith, 3rd

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