Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Gone to Texas!!!

This letter to the Editor was published on January 2, 2014 in the St. Paul Pioneer Press

Five months ago I wrote to the Pioneer Press ("Had Enough") explaining the reasons my wife and I were leaving Minnesota for Texas. These reasons included long and cold winters, high taxes and liberal extremism characterized by excessive government spending and bizarre legislative priorities. I am writing now to declare that the move has been a rousing success and living in Texas has surpassed our expectations.

We don't miss the snow, cold and gloom of Minnesota winters while enjoying the economic freedom and prosperity in Texas that allows us to enjoy a lower cost of living and keep more of our money. The Census Bureau reported that Texas was the fastest growing state in the last year and if growth continues at the same rate the population will double by the year 2050. Apparently we are not alone in deciding to escape high taxes and intrusive government regulation. Some writers responded to my original letter claiming that Texas had inferior education and government services but our experience has been that the state delivers as good, if not better, services than Minnesota at a fraction of the cost to taxpayers.

In our brief time in Texas we have met a surprising number of Minnesota transplants who felt  like we did and left the state because they could not take it any more. We have family and friends in Minnesota and wish them and all state residents well but if state leaders do not change direction to reduce spending and taxes Minnesota is doomed to be a welfare state with no economic growth and a declining standard of living..        

Jack Munich

The Woodlands, Texas

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